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Peridot Leaf earrings | Sterling Silver with polished round Cabochon (Sold out)

Peridot Leaf earrings | Sterling Silver with polished round Cabochon (Sold out)
  • Available: Sold | Ask for quote
  • Unique No: 850

Inspired by nature these earrings are literally leaves cast in Sterling Silver
with all their details clearly visible as structure and because the surface
is partly polished, partly matte.
They have a beautiful polished Peridot stone on top.
This lime-green gemstone is the national gemstone of Egypt.
The Egytpians used it as currency.
It is supposed to increase fidelity and love and is a symbolf for truthfulness and friendship.
It is also used for healing of ailments of the lung, breast and sinuses.
Peridot is said to be good for you if you want to become famous or successful in any way.
It belongs to the mineral family of the Olivines found in vulcanic sediments in China, Burma and the US.
The ancient Romans called it the 'Evening Emerald' because it doesn't stays bright green also at night.