Super Polished Doric Columns | Cufflinks Sterling Silver Super Polished Columns with easy fold mechanism (sold out)
, säulen
, manschettenknöpfe
, aus
, sterling
, silber
, (925)
, mit
, komfort-klappmechanismus
, cufflinks super
, polished
, columns
, silver
, with
, easy
, fold doric
Super Polished Doric Columns | Cufflinks Sterling Silver Super Polished Columns with easy fold mechanism (sold out)
- Available: Sold | Ask for quote
- Unique No: 802
Elegant sterling silver cufflinks shaped like Roman Columns. The Doric order or style of columns are the oldest and simplest of the classical styles.
The Greeks developed the classical orders of architecture, which are most easily distinguished by the form of the column and its various elements. Their Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders were expanded by the Romans.